Notes from Spain

Laid off from our jobs in New York City, my husband and I made the decision to drastically change our lives and move to Spain. After a lot of searching, we've found our place in Altea, a picturesque village along the Mediterranean. We currently run AlteArte, a cafe/bar. Follow along as I share about our adventures living in and owning a business in Spain.

Blog language: English

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US American US American expat living in Alicante

  • Gender: Female
  • Move: Usa  Spain
  • Interest: Travel, learning Spanish, recording my experiences of living abroad
  • About me: I've lived in California, New York City, Chicago and Paris. Now, I live in Spain. The problem is I don't speak the language and I've never spent time here other than a quick 2 week trip back in 2002. But I'm here now and I'm writing all about it for those who care to join along for the ride!

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