The All of Saigon

Im an ex-pat living and working in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. This is not a blog about my hopes and aspirations; this is not a dream journal. You wont find recommendations for restaurants, attractions, bars or accommodation; this is not a travel blog. I live very ordinary life in an astonishing city. Every day I encounter something or someone that stops me in my tracks and I feel compelled to write about it, and try to understand it. This is the very definition of an impossible task; to capture the strange, the beautiful and the unique facets of Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Sai Gon). Everything that I write is entirely my own opinion, which might be misinformed, misguided or just plain wrong, but is my particular take on my adoptive city.

Blog language: English

Key words: Vietnam, HCMC, Saigon
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Australia  expat living in Saigon

  • Move: Australia  Vietnam
  • Interest: I have interests... I suppose.
  • About me: Teacher, philosopher, anthropologist, linguist... I am none of these things.

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